Fun Facts for Friday, January 9, 2015

Static Electricity Day 
Fun Facts for Friday, January 9, 2015
The 9 day of the year
356 days left to go 


  • Home Office Safety and Security Week
  • National Folic Acid Awareness Week
  • National Lose Weight/Feel Great Week
  • Universal Letter Writing Week
  • National Pizza Week


  • Balloon Ascension Day
  • National Cassoulet Day
  • National Static Electricity Day
  • Panama's Martyr Day
  • National Apricot Day


1493: Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, sailing near the Dominican Republic, sees three manatees mistakenly believing they are mermaids. He described them as, "not half as beautiful as they are painted."

1768: Englishman Philip Astley staged the first modern circus, in London.

1776: Thomas Paine publishes "Common Sense" 
1788: Connecticut becomes the fifth state to be admitted to the United States.
1793: Jean Pierre Blanchard completed the first successful balloon flight in the United States. 
1861: Mississippi seceded from the Union.

1894: the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company put the first battery operated switchboard into operation in Lexington, Massachusetts. 

1929: the Seeing Eye dog training school was incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee.  It's purpose was to train guide dogs for the blind. 
1936: the United States Army adopted the semiautomatic rifle. 
1937: "Look" magazine went on sale for the first time. 
1941: The first demonstration of small-screen color television was given by the Columbia Broadcasting System. The TV failed miserably, since RCA had pretty much wrapped up the patent process on color TV at the time.
1951: the United Nations headquarters officially opened in New York City. 

1959: the television western drama "Rawhide" debuted on CBS (Show open)

1965: The James Bond movie "Goldfinger," featuring British secret agent driving an Aston Martin Silver Birch DB5 sports car, opened in theaters across the U.S.. Aston Martins would go on to appear in a number of other Bond films (Movie Trailer).

1976: C-W McCall topped both the pop and country singles charts with "Convoy" (Song
1976: Sylvester Stallone begins filming "Rocky" 

1981: Phil Esposito retired from hockey. The future Hall-of-Famer won the 1974 Hart Memorial Trophy as the league's Most Valuable Player. 

1984: Clara Peller was first seen on television demanding, "Where's The Beef?" during a Wendy's fast-food restaurant advertisement (Commercial

1989: Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench and Boston Red Sox outfielder Carl Yastrzemski were elected to the Baseball Hall-of-Fame. 
1990: Baltimore Orioles pitcher Jim Palmer and Cincinnati Reds second baseman Joe Morgan were elected to the Baseball Hall-of-Fame. 

1998: days after it was sawed off, the head of Copenhagen's famed Little Mermaid statue was returned by a hooded man who dropped it off at a TV station.  

2001: Linda Chavez withdrew her bid to be Secretary of Labor under the new George W. Bush presidency because of controversy over an illegal immigrant who once lived with her. 

2003: Bee Gees singer Maurice Gibb collapsed at his home in Miami with severe abdominal pain.  He was rushed to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage, but died three days later. 

2004: deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was officially declared an enemy prisoner of war.  Saddam was found hiding in a so-called "spider" hole and captured by U.S. forces on December 13: 2003 in his hometown of Tikrit. 
2005: the films "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "The Passion of The Christ" were among the big winners at the 31st Annual People's Choice Awards in Pasadena, California.  

2007: Apple unveiled its iPhone.  Using a touch screen, the new device combined the features of Apple's wildly popular iPod with a mobile phone allowing users to field phone calls and play music and videos.  Apple CEO Steve Jobs predicted the company would sell about 10-million iPhones 2008 at prices ranging from 500 to 600 dollars. 


The Great Die-Up (Source)

On January 9, 1887, ranchers endured the worst day of the “Great Die-Up.” The Great Die-Up—also called “Death’s Cattle Round-Up”—was one of the harshest winters in the “Old West,” and devastated the cattle industry in the United States.

The severe winter followed an unusually hot and dry summer, when few crops could be grown. Together, these weather conditions meant ranchers throughout the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana had little food to feed their huge herds of cattle in the winter. 

More than 500,000 cattle died in horrific conditions during the winter of the Great Die-Up. One rancher recalled “It was all so slow, plunging after [cattle] through the deep snow. . . . The horses' feet were cut and bleeding from the heavy crust, and the cattle had the hair and hide wore off their legs to the knees.”


Common Sense (Source

On this day in 1776, writer Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet "Common Sense," setting forth his arguments in favor of American independence.  It is considered one of the most influential pamphlets in American history. 


Diverge  [dih-vurj, dahy-] verb 

(used without object), di·verged, di·verg·ing.
1. to move, lie, or extend in different directions from a common point; branch off.

2. to differ in opinion, character, form, etc.; deviate.

"The twins were in agreement that they wanted ice cream, but Sally diverged from her traditional selection and chose strawberry"


Jesus was constantly asking questions that would confound the religius establishment of His day. 

“If one of you has a child or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say" (Luke 14:5-6). 

"While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” “The son of David,” they replied. He said to them, “How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’? For he says, “‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.”’ If then David calls him ‘Lord,’ how can he be his son?” No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions" (Matthew 22:41-46).


Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. —Psalm 119:97

Read today's "Our Daily Bread


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